Automotive YouTuber Sent to Jail for Absolutely Nothing… Literally

Sometimes, when you listen to a story, you just can’t help but scratch your head and wonder why exactly certain things unfolded in the way that they did as it just seems so over-the-top. Granted that we’re only getting one side of the story here from a quickly growing YouTuber by the name of itsjusta6, it really seems like the way he presents the story spells out a sort of a Hollywood type of narrative that has a police officer going rogue and acting upon impulse that definitely could get him in some pretty big trouble if all the details here line up with what reality is.
The way that YouTube personality explains it, he was just driving along in his Ford Mustang, minding his business when he got pulled over for the first time that day. Apparently, the officer who he claims to have been very friendly with told the driver that the way that he downshifted wasn’t allowed in the area in which he was driving. The driver of the Mustang would then continue on, accepting that he might have tiptoed over the line of this law and went to his friend’s house with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. Everything seemed to be going just fine outside of a minor traffic infraction.
However, when our storyteller would leave his friend’s house in the same direction from which he came, he would soon find that another officer would be waiting outside of the neighborhood. It would later be deduced in the story that this officer was featured in a previous video somewhere along the line and according to the theory that came about when the storyteller here connected the dots, apparently, he thinks that the officer wasn’t too happy about his feature and out looking for a measure of revenge as he would push the driver around a little bit, so goes the story, before sending the Mustang owner to jail for what would promise to be a long weekend after making the arrest on a Friday heading into a holiday weekend that wouldn’t allow the Mustang driver to see a judge until the following Tuesday.
Now, we have yet to hear the other side of the story from the police officer or the locality but as of now, things have gotten mighty interesting. Luckily, it looks like the man behind the Mustang is taking it all in stride.