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Big Chief Goes 4.03 in The Crowmod at Outlaw Streetcar Reunion 3

With the introduction of Big Chief to the world of ProMod racing, many were left to wonder how long it would take him to acclimate to the track life, if he could manage it at all.

Well, as time (or lack thereof) would tell, the answer to that question is not very long at all as Chief not only has made an impressive impact early on, but is already setting records to boot.

With this pass at the Outlaw Streetcar Reunion 3, we tune in as the Crowmod manages to line up and knock down a 4.03-second pass, effectively becoming the fastest ever Pontiac powered door car.

With the rate that he has been going at and the consistency that this car seems to have, it is only a matter of time before we see the 3-second range busted wide open by this car and driver combo.

Check out the video below that shows the Crowmod making it’s best pass to date. Progress like this makes us incredibly excited for the future of Big Chief.