Big Chief vs BoostedGT Back in 2008 on the STREET!

Nine years ago, long before there was any such thing as Street Outlaws, the event that meant everything to street racers in the midwest was Cash Days. From what we’ve been able to gather, this footage is from 2008’s Cash Days event, where we see Big Chief lining up with Boosted GT in one of the closest races we’ve ever seen. In fact, after watching this clip several times, it’s still hard to say who took the win.
After the cars complete their burnouts and ease to the starting line, they’re motioned carefully into place by the starter. This being the days before the flashlight start, the flag man gets them lined up perfectly, then takes a step back, raises then quickly drops his hands, sending the cars screaming down the street.
It appears Big Chief left harder than Boosted, but as we’ve seen many times, Boosted’s Mustang charges hard on the top end, and when the camera switches to the finish line view, it’s hard to make out who is in front. It appears Boosted takes the win by about half a car length, but the footage is so dark it’s hard to say for sure. Maybe somebody who was there – or perhaps one of the racers themselves – will chime in and fill us in on the details.