Blue Angels Low Pass Fly Bys Create Absolute Chaos!

When it comes to the Blue Angels, they come to the area and demand the attention of everyone who is within viewing distance, but this time, they make their presence even more felt! While flying over a beach filled with people these guys put on a show for the spectators who end up getting just a little bit more than they originally bargained for!
It seems these pilots sure love to scare the crap out of everyone as they fly by at insane speeds shocking averyone in the area causing absolute chaos on beachs and ocean water! The videos that come from these fly bys has us in awe of how fast these jets really are! If you ever go to an airshow and the Blue Angels are there make sure you bring ear plugs and always be ready for a wild high speed fly by! MOst of these people never saw the jets coming and it makes for some seriously epic video!
Instead of just putting on a visual show, they truly invite their audience to be a part of the action as they end up blowing half of their tents and umbrellas away! It truly is a funny sight to see as folks end up chasing their flying belongings down the beach. Hopefully, everyone had a good sense of humor about this one!
Each clip in the video below is gauranteed to put a huge smile on your face! Enjoy!