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Boat Capsized at Haulover Inlet on an Incredibly Rough Day

For those who have yet to be acquainted with Haulover Inlet, you’re in for a real treat. Nestled in between two bodies of land in Miami, Haulover provides a rather interesting experience. As millions of dollars worth of boats travel through each day, they could be greeted by some pretty rough conditions.

The stretch of water that connects the Biscayne Bay to the Atlantic Ocean has been known to get rather turbulent at times. As with most inlets, the conditions get rather rough and the current can pass through at a quick pace. With that in mind, boaters who travel through the inlet should probably be a little bit more experienced instead of just throwing themselves at the waves. If you know anything about people, though, you know that that’s not going to stop some folks without any experience.

This time, we catch up with another video that shows off boats versus Haulover as lots of wonderful vessels travel through the inlet. Some of them are on the smaller side which, on this particular day, ended up being a little bit of a challenge. Some days, the inlet is a little bit rougher than others and this day was quite the choppy one.

The video ends up being topped off with a vessel that has capsized just outside of the inlet. Our host, Wavy Boats, managed to get a drone up in the air to witness the vessel floating upside down. There is no information as to what exactly happened to the people on board. Based on the Coast Guard stopping by and leaving their mark on the vessel, though, we would be led to believe that anyone on board was likely rescued when discovered. Now the only thing left to figure out is what to do with the boat.