Boat vs Car Drag Race? Supra & Evo Take on a Powerboat!

When it comes to street racing, generally we see two cars going at it in the name of proving that they’re just a little bit faster than the guy in the next lane. It’s a classic type of battle on wheels that we’re not sure will ever fade away. However, as with most things, this form of racing also evolves. While it might have started off as one thing, today, it has become all sorts of different. If you look at the racing scene today, even as compared to a decade ago, there are definitely a wide variety of stark differences.
This time, we check out a vastly different form of racing entirely as the guy in the next lane over isn’t on wheels at all! Instead, the competitor comes in the more aquatic form as a speedboat takes on a pair of cars. Between a Toyota Supra and a Mitsubishi Evolution X, it should make for a decent pairing for this inter-platform showdown on the highway and next to it as a pair of beefy cars decides that it would be a fun race to see how taking on a boat in the water next to the highway would go. We honestly have no idea how one would even go about putting together any kind of comparison to predict the outcome here.
Check out the odd pairing below as the Hydrostream Venom Powerboat is thrown into the mix for one wild ride that will have you wanting to see more matchups just like this one! What do you think of this incredibly unique pairing that alomost reminds you of a scene straight out of Top Gear? What other kinds of obscure matchups would you like to see? With so many platforms to choose from, the possibilities in the matter are almost endless!