Bobby Tanner Dominates Rock Wall

In the tiny town of Disney, Oklahoma, there’s an offroad park with a massive, near-vertical rock wall that has the added sketchiness of a lake at the bottom. These two features combine to create an obstacle only the most grizzled rock bouncing veterans have any business tackling.
As one of the founding fathers of the rock bouncing world, Tanner seems to be afraid of nothing. So fearless is the veteran off-roader that he didn’t even bother to wear a helmet, a move that I hope to God nobody out there emulates. While we know Tanner to be an accomplished and competent driver in any conditions, there are just so many variables at play that hitting one of these obstacles with no helmet on seems incredibly irresponsible.
Enough safety talk, though, let’s get back to the action, where we find Bobby hitting that rock wall with his trademark mix of impeccable steering and throttle control and reckless abandon. It takes him a couple of tries, but he does manage to ascend the sheer rock face, to the delight of the crowd. Tanner hits the wall again, this time ending up on his lid for a moment as he rolled his rig over trying to climb the wall a second time.
The Busted Knuckle Films crew follows Bobby as he continues to tackle different areas of the park, often finding himself in the water often as he begins his climb. I don’t remember seeing this much water in any other offroad park, at least that permanently. It adds a little beauty to the scenes as well as an added element of danger.
Tanner does what he does best and puts on a heck of a show for the fans, drawing several rounds of applause throughout the day. Great job as always to the Busted Knuckle crew for capturing the action like only they can!