Boosted GTs Trailer Gets Thrown to Bits at Midwest Street Cars

If it’s racing that we’re talking about, some drivers are most definitely more committed than others to going fast. It turns out that Boosted GT was so committed to it that, when he saw how hot the action was in the 405, he decided to drop everything and move out there, even if it meant living in a pop-up camper for a while.
However, when plans were changed, Boosted wouldn’t end up living in the pop-up camper even though he brought it to town and left it at Midwest Street Cars. When the guys got sick of looking at it, well, they decided to hop to action and do something about it!
As you could probably imagine, the way that they got rid of the camper was rather entertaining to watch. We won’t ruin the surprise for you but instead, I urge you to check out the video below to see the creativity behind doing a little bit of spring cleaning in the 405.