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Brutal Truth – The Real Reason Car Dealerships are the Worst

Brutal Truth – The Real Reason Car Dealerships are the Worst

While we might not think of it when purchasing a vehicle, the car buying process is all sorts of backwards, especially when you compare it to other markets.

Thanks to government mandates and restrictions, the car market which is supposed to represent freedom, as this video reminds us, is filled with uncomfortable situations that just don’t seem natural.

While in other strokes of life, comparison shopping and a fixed price might be the way to go, in the car market, it’s an entirely different ballgame in which the dealers run just about everything.

Check out this episode of “Adam Ruins Everything” that takes us on the ins and outs of everything that a lot of consumers would say that they hate about the new car market and car buying process.

The car salesman below breaks out some pretty questionable tactics himself!
