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Buggy Crashes Into RZR At The Glamis Sand Dunes… Pay Attention People!

When you take a look at the statistics, while out and about driving, it just so happens that rather large proportion of accidents will happen close to home. Now, obviously, this time we aren’t taking a look at a video that has anything to do with the roadways, so why would we mention that? Well, I think the main concept in play in the fact that most crashes happen close to home is the idea that complacency can play a rather large role in whether or not you get into an accident. Just when you feel like you had it all figured out and you’re going to cruise straight back to your house, you get tied up in the unpredictable that’s always lurking right around the corner.

Such complacency can also happen out in the middle of nowhere because, as you might expect, one would probably end up getting a little bit comfortable when you’re out in the middle the sand dunes as no traffic is around you. I mean, who are you really going to run into, after all? Well, the possibility of the crash out there is just as real as it is anywhere else, or at least that’s what this video assumes as this driver takes their buggy out to the dunes and gets the nose up, pulling quite an impressive wheelie but it’s what’s at the end of that wheelie that really grabs your attention as the buggy doesn’t come down but instead, cruises straight into another machine that was out with the driver trying to have a good time that day.

By following along with the video below, you’ll be able to tune in and watch as somebody had their camera out, recording the whole thing, when this driver was met with an abrupt situation that would quickly end his good day out on the dunes. Unfortunately, they probably had a little bit more carnage than he had anticipated. Hopefully, these people are able to get everything back to normal once again without too much damage done to the bank account!
