Building A Monotrack Bike

If there’s one thing that we have to say about those who like to tinker in the garage, it’s that anything can happen. Leave us in the shop alone for long enough with the right tools and materials. When this happens, the options are just about limitless. This is how we end up seeing everything from a common drag racing build all the way to a rocket-powered scooter.
In this day and age, we feel incredibly fortunate. We absolutely love it when these builds find a way to make it to the internet. With the likes of YouTube, some of the most obscure creations are brought to the public’s attention. This concoction of creative expression certainly finds a way to play that role.
This time, the creation at hand appears to have come from nothing more than what was laying around the garage. This one looks like it makes use of nothing more than an old tire and other common mechanical components. With them, this creator took it upon himself to concoct a sort of miniature tank. This thing is nothing short of a machine that we think just about everyone would want to get behind the handlebars of. It certainly goes a long way toward mixing up the monotony of what would otherwise just be another bike ride. We definitely have to give kudos where they’re due with a creation like this one.
By following along with the video below from Make it Extreme, we get the chance to see how this bad boy comes together. It’s one thing to appreciate the finished product, but witnessing the pure creativity that makes this thing tick is nothing short of impressive.
After watching this machine come together, it even gets our creative juices flowing from this side of the screen. Who else is with us and wants to head out to make something of their own!?