Bulletproof Glass vs 60,000 PSI Waterjet

With 60,000 PSI of waterjet pressure, there isn’t much that will stand up to the blast. On the waterjet channel, you have seen these guys cut into some pretty hefty materials, slicing through them like a hot knife through butter. Each time, they try to come up with another interesting material that will be fun to split open or something that seems like it might be a little bit stronger than the last thing to face the water jet.
In other words, every time, they one up themselves to attempt to push the machinery to the next level and see exactly where it’s limits lie. Just how much can this jet push its way through before it has decided that it’ll call it quits and needs to maybe up the pressure a little bit more?
This time, the guys head out to a shooting range to demonstrate some of the bulletproof glass that they will be working with shortly before heading back to the warehouse and putting the waterjet to the test yet again against this super thick glass that is designed to fend off some of the heaviest artillery on the market today. Now, a bullet might provide some major force but a concentrated stream of water like this seems like it would be able to slice through a little bit more effectively.
Follow along with video down below to see if the waterjet can outdo some heavy weaponry when it tries to take a slice out of the glass. Before watching this one, be sure to tell us what your prediction is on how exactly the waterjet is going to do when it comes up against multiple layers of glass that are designed to do nothing other than deal with a heavy impact. Has the glass finally met it’s match? There’s only one way to find out!