fb-pixel California DMV Tries to Issue “2Stupid / Idiot” Vanity Plate to Unsuspecting Customer in Classic Candid Camera Bit - Speed Society
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California DMV Tries to Issue “2Stupid / Idiot” Vanity Plate to Unsuspecting Customer in Classic Candid Camera Bit

These days, the pages of the internet are absolutely flooded with bad prank videos. Don’t get us wrong, there are definitely some that we enjoy here and there. However, the vast majority of this genre is clearly fake and we can’t help but cringe inside. At the end of the day, it really does appear as if people are searching for clicks from younger internet users and they don’t really care how cringeworthy the content has to be to get there.

Back in the day, though, we feel like things were a little bit different. Before the prank genre had been relegated to fake gold digger pranks spread around Facebook like some sort of virus, Candid Camera would air on mainstream television. When they hit the air, we would witness what they call good old fashioned clean fun. No need for clickbait or actors to fake a reaction. As a result, we can’t help but get a little bit of a chuckle at the ideas that they present.

This time, we take a trip back in time to California’s division of motor vehicles. In this prank show, we watch as the old DMV pulls a quick one on folks looking to get a license plate. Stories from the DMV normally have people complaining about long wait times and short-tempered staff. This time, though, we have a feeling that these folks went home with an entirely different story.

Following along with the video below, we watch as the division of motor vehicles hands out license plates that were simply too goofy to display. To be honest, we aren’t quite sure how we would respond if we were handed a plate that read “2STUPID” and asked to display it on our vehicle. However, watching other people react to such a situation is definitely worth the view!