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Can you Weld with Paper Solar Eclipse Glasses?

I’m sure that, in the name of seeing what exactly can work (and probably shouldn’t), there’ve been thousands upon thousands of miscellaneous experiments tried out in garages around the country. I’m sure that there have been plenty of these experiments that managed to earn the people behind them a nice little set of injuries. However, this time, we’re in for quite the surprise, though, as this off-the-wall experiment provided some pretty interesting results. How they think this stuff up, though, I really cannot be sure.

This time, we check out a little bit of a DIY that we wouldn’t recommend trying at home. However, the goal in mind here is to see exactly what happens if you should replace your welding helmet with one of those sets of flimsy paper solar eclipse glasses that everybody seemed to freak out about when that eclipse flew by earlier last month. After all, we did see quite a few people going out there and trying to look at eclipse with their welding helmets so why couldn’t the opposite be something that would prove to work out, potentially?

Follow along in the High PSI tv video down below to see the debauchery for yourself that is poised to answer this question. Firing up your welder and using it without proper eye protection is most certainly a risk but it looks like it was a risk that this experimenter was going to take in order to see if it would all pan out. Hopefully, curiosity doesn’t kill the cat in this one but in either situation, we’re pretty excited to see what the outcome looks like here. Do you think that solar eclipse glasses could possibly be a substitute for a proper welding helmet or is this something that is going to eventually end poorly?