Cat 319D Excavator Climbing Onto a Rail Car, Serious Skills

When it comes to a Caterpillar excavator like this one, we’re sure that it has plenty of functionality, picking up and moving earth just like the owner’s manual trains the operator to do. Maneuvers like this, however, probably can’t be found in that manual at all.
Instead of watching such a machine in its natural habitat, this time, we catch up with a situation that’s a little bit more interesting as the person who’s controlling this wonderous piece of equipment manages to break out a skill set unlike very many that we have ever seen before.
Instead of just picking up and moving dirt, this excavator operator manages the do a little bit more as they use a series of structures and a rail car to physically climb up into the rail car with the heavy equipment, making use of not only the tracks but the bucket as well!
I could sit here and talk about how amazing this feat is and describe it until I’m blue in the face but I think that the best way for anyone to get a grasp of exactly what I’m talking about is to go ahead and check out the video for yourself down below. Be sure to sound off with what you think of this amazing showcase of skills.