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Chainsaw Prank Causes Man to Pass Out

Sometimes, you just want to go out there and prank your buddy. It might be something simple or a little bit more complicated but at the end of the day, the goal is to leave your friends with a stunned look on their face that is irreplaceable. This time, the prank might’ve been rather basic but the reaction to it was anything but. In fact, the way that the victim of this prank reacted is something that is worthy of watching over and over again. I would venture to say that this operation was a success because it made the person on the receiving end of this one react so hard that they couldn’t control themselves.

I guess that the general gist of this whole prank was for the prankster to act like he was cutting something with a chainsaw, when all of a sudden, he would swap the saw out with another machine with no chain or arm and act like he accidentally put the chainsaw through his chest. It might sound like something a little bit hokey, but this guy executed to the point where, when is buddy turned around, the poor guy fainted onto the ground, truly believing that his friend and actually done some damage to himself with the tool

Follow along in the video down below that shows off the prank that made someone react so hard that they had some involuntary motions going on there. Do you think this one was all in good fun or was it mean to make his buddy think that he was seriously injured like that? No matter what your take on this scheme, you have to admit that the execution was really on point. That poor victim really got going, maybe a little bit too much! Can you think of a time where you saw a better prank reaction than this?