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Chevy vs Ford Tug-of-War Gone Wrong! Rear End Pops Out!

While many might not understand the appeal behind competing in a tug-of-war competition with their trucks, you can’t deny that when somebody is willing to go above and beyond to put their truck through the wringer, things can most certainly get pretty interesting to watch.

This time, we get an especially interesting matchup as Chevrolet and Ford butt heads and some major carnage comes about as a result. If you’re going to do this, you might want to avoid using a truck that you drive every day because there’s a good chance that it’ll get highly damaged!

In this battle, a pair of trucks link up and go to war with the Chevrolet bouncing up and down with some insane wheel hop that could prove to be catastrophic and eventually does. It’s so catastrophic, in fact, that the entire rear jumps out of the truck.

As per the usual, the entire thing was recorded and can be viewed down below as these guys put their vehicles’ health on the line for nothing more than bragging rights. It looks like at least one of the pickups is going to be out of commission for a while.