Circa 2013 – Street Outlaws Flip Does a Test Pass in the El Camino

When you look back on all of the days that you’ve spent under the hood of a car, racing a car, or otherwise being around your ride and all of the friends that have come from the passion behind it, you realize that you have had some really good times along the way even though some parts of putting together a racing machine can seem like they’re frustrating and bank account draining while in the heat of the moment.
This time, we take a moment to take yet another journey down memory lane, revisiting some old footage of the late Street Outlaws Flip, a member of the crew that is deeply missed, as he makes a couple of passes circa 2013 in his Chevrolet El Camino, affectionately known as The Elco.
Now, the car has since been taken to amazing heights with Kamikaze Chris behind the wheel, but this time, it’s all about stepping in that time machine and revisiting a time when Flip was behind the wheel to pilot the car down the track during a test pass.
Check out the video below that will walk you down memory lane once again to a time that was much simpler. This is definitely one demonstration of man bonding with machine on the drag strip that you are going to want to be a part of, especially if you are behind the guys of the 405!