Community Upset with Pothole Problems, Paves Road by Planting Trees

If there is one issue that some areas struggle with more than others, I think that many people who live in these plagued areas would agree that potholes can really be quite the sore subject for those who have roads that are simply covered with them. As the road to get to crumble, it’s definitely something that most people would like to see repaired, however, it just seems like sometimes there isn’t a lot of resources to delegate to the issue or maybe the topic isn’t high enough on the priority list of local government to go out there and fix the holes.
However, it’s certainly something that’s important as it normally makes an area look bad but also can damage vehicles as they try to travel through streets that aren’t paved smoothly and the holes get so big that they begin to just destroy the underside of cars that pass. Therefore, when one Texas neighborhood couldn’t gather any traction in terms of getting their pothole problem fixed, they decided to do a little bit of a protest that hopefully would capture the attention of local government to the point where they would be able to get everything sorted out.
No, they weren’t heading outside of a local government building and picketing or even starting some type of movement online but instead, decided to plant trees in the potholes, something that they hope has the ability to not only raise awareness for how bad this problem really is but also to alert drivers as to where the potholes are so that they don’t run over them and endanger their vehicles any longer. We have yet to hear about any results of this attempt to get these potholes fixed but it definitely seems like a valiant effort, if you ask us. Hopefully, the trees aren’t met by any distracted drivers.