Cop Yells at This Man Helping Harvey Flood Victims and Says “We Have Had Enough”

Hurricane Harvey has hit Houston Texas with devastating flood water leaving many people homeless and in need of help. Swamp buggies are 9-foot average height and around 16 to 18 feet long. These guys have been here in the south east Texas area since Thursday morning helping in many areas with many many people who need the help. Not once have these guys had a single complaint. They came down here from Illinois on their own dime and time and they were never asked to come to Houston it was the mud family pulling together for a cause that needed them.
Here is an image of a swamp buggy so you can get an idea of why these guys are out helping, they have the perfect rigs for the job!
With the flood waters reaching record highs and homes underwater these massive swamp buggies normally used for tours and exploring are now being used to save lives. From people to animals these guys are out to help whoever whenever. The video below has us concerned as to why this police officer is so angry at the driver of this particular swamp buggy, the rig may not be street legal but considering the dire situation Houston is in it shouldn’t matter, it should be about saving people from a disaster.
Do you think the police officer in the video below was completely out of line or was he just having a bad day? Let us know in the comments on Facebook! As he says “my house is flooded as well” it puts it into perspective that even the police have lost everything which makes us believe the cop was not in the best mood because of the situation. But yelling at these heroes still doesn’t seem right.
All in all these men driving the swamp buggies must be praised for using their personal resources and money to drive hours to provide aid where most can’t get. We have seen people using boats, big trucks and helicopters to save lives but this is the first time we have seen swamp buggies out helping and we couldn’t be more proud of our fellow Americans banding together and helping in a huge crisis.