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Crushing rubber tires, Crushing capacity is amazing

When it comes time to get rid of your old rubber, there are a variety of ways that one can go about relieving themselves of their old tires. When you drop them off at a recycling facility, there are all kinds of different tricks of the trade and tools used to make sure that the rubber and even sometimes your wheel are chopped down to a manageable size to be used once again.

In this one, we take a look at some of the various machines that slice and dice tires so that they can be brought down to a more manageable size to work with and melt them down even further so that they can be refused to make new tires and potentially other rubber materials. In the long run, doing something like this is a lot better than simply leaving your trash somewhere to never break down and poorly affect the environment in the long haul.

While those to partake in these different ways of getting rid of tires might see it as nothing more than a steady workflow, on this end of the screen, those of us who find this as something new might just get lost in the display as tires go by almost endlessly. I know that I did get a little bit mesmerized watching this one for myself as I somehow sunk into the screen as the display passed me by.

Check out the video down below that will take you inside to some of these processes that show you what happens when your tires are done for. If you ever wondered what happened to your rubber after it got taken off of your car then wonder no more because your answer is here!
