Dad Picks Up His 14-Year-Old Son 2016 Silverado Dually, Internet Goes Nuts

When you approach the subject of how exactly someone is supposed to acquire their first car, the opinion might vary depending on who you ask. Some think that in order to get a first car, the kid in question should have to work for it, picking up a little bit of work ethic along way never really hurt anybody and could definitely build character. However, if you’re part of the camp that says that a first car should be given to the kid in question by their parents, we can’t really blame you there either. Personally, if someone were to slap a car in my lap, I don’t think I would have any problem taking them up on the offer.
This time, we take a look at a young man who has managed to get himself quite the machine as, according to this video, dad has gotten his son, a 14-year-old who probably doesn’t have a license yet, abrand spanking new Chevrolet Silverado dually. That’s right, in addition to having a truck that most probably can’t muster up the funds to afford, this youngster also has his hands on a machine was quite the amount of modification done to it as the truck appears to have been lifted up in the air quite a bit and also has some crazy wheels on board to top it off.
When you check out the video below from Salinas Photography, you’ll be able to check out this downright crazy truck that might just have you drooling if you’re into brand-new diesel trucks and extravagant wheels to go with them. After you check this one out, be sure to tell us what you think of the monster as it skates down the road, effortlessly gliding across the pavement and being sure to snap necks everywhere that this thing goes.