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DANGEROUSLY close Liberty Walk Ferrari 458 Donuts!!! GoldRush Rally 8

Daily Driven Exotics is a media outlet that does exactly what the name promises, daily drives and subsequently beats the heck out of the exotics of your dreams.

This time, it’s the channel’s Liberty Walk Ferrari 458 that’s rocking the pavement with some incredibly sick and smoky donuts as filmed by Zwing Films.

While it might look like the camera is zoomed in to get such a shot, the camera man assures us that he was actually right up on the rear end of this supercar as it revved to the moon and made quite the spectacle.

Check out the video below as tires are turned to smoke in a display that you’re going to want to check out. Some might hate on such a pristine car being driven like this, but our hats are off to the guys who have the guts to hound on their rides like this.