Determined Movers Use Motorcycle To Haul A Couch

If you’ve ever been involved in moving furniture, you know that it can be quite the experience that might even involve its fair share of planning to be able to do effectively. First and foremost, you have to make sure that said piece of furniture is able to make it out of the establishment that it’s in while being in one piece and after doing all of that, you obviously are going to have to make sure that your vehicle is capable of carrying the piece of furniture. However, for the last step, this is where people can tend to get creative because in many spots, where there’s a will, there’s a way!
In this one, we join in with a couple of people involved in the moving process who seem to be more than determined to get this couch to wherever it needs to be regardless of if their vehicle looks like it’s ready to play that role or not. While we have seen folks try to move furniture like this with smaller vehicles, really managing to maximize the space in the trunks of their cars or on the roofs of their small SUVs, however, in this case, it’s something even smaller and more unlikely that’s tackling this sizable job!
If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to join in on the action as this duo moves an entire couch, standing upright, on the back of a motorcycle. It really looks like an attempt that requires lots of coordination and cooperation so that these two can balance it out while being on the same page as to not tip the bike over! Now this is what we call making more with less. If they can do this, just imagine what they’re capable of with a full-size truck.