Did You Know Lamborghini Owners No Longer Have To Pay For Parking?

With the purchase of the Lamborghini comes a lot of unique opportunities that not too many other people are able to take part in. Sure, we can sit here and pick apart all of the advantages of earning such a vehicle but I think that we’re going to focus more on one obscure facet of Lamborghini ownership that’s not too many people think of and has definitely given this guy little bit of attention, even more so than driving around the street in a car that cost more than most peoples’ houses, as if that wasn’t enough!
Just when you thought your car was low, yep, that’s right, you got shut down by this Lambo. When the driver was leaving the parking garage, instead of paying his ticket, as I’m sure this guy has plenty of money to do, he instead decided to drive right going under the gate as this car was not only incredibly low to the ground but the roof was also incredibly close to the ground, as well, which would allow the driver to skate right under the gate, avoiding detection as he was able to dodge the payment to the parking garage!
Follow along with the video below that will show you this Lamborghini owner’s antics that he probably got quite the kick out of! We know that we certainly did! If you were looking for a monetary justification for picking up your very own Lamborghini, just imagine never having to pay for parking again! Well, that is until they find you out and you get slapped with some sort of hefty fine.
All jokes aside, we found this little tidbit of information to be oddly entertaining and the display below was one that we had to watch several times just to make sure that we were really seeing it!