Dirt Alliance REVIVAL – Offroad Insanity

Dirt Alliance REVIVAL – Offroad Insanity
Sometimes, there’s nothing better than taking a purpose-built vehicle to the sand dunes and beating the living heck out of it, taking it to its limit.
This time, that’s precisely what happens when the Dirt Alliance Revival comes to town and blasts through the dunes, catching some major air and pulling some wheelies along the way as well.
Watching this video will make you want to do nothing other that hop behind the wheel of one of these things and go for a ride, replicating exactly what you see in the video… It’s that intense!
Check out the video below as these guys go at the dunes with a vengeance and most certainly come out on top which results in this killer flick.
Watch via GoPro as this Formula Off-Road event goes upside down!