Dissecting How They Create America’s Indestructible Presidential Transports

When it comes to building vehicles for the President of the United States, it’s definitely not an easy job. As one might imagine for somebody important with a lot to do, their vehicle needs to suit them. Most people think of time commuting as a moment to get away from thinking about important things. However, for those who have jobs which dictate that they can never get away from their work, spending every waking moment making important decisions, having the perfect transportation is really paramount.
Needless to say, the President of America is going to be a man who is constantly making decisions. With that, we find a variety of complex transportation used to get the individual from point A to point B. These machines not only have to be laid out to be usable. They’re naturally going to have to be protective as well. As one might imagine, the president is going to be one of the most targeted people on Earth. As it turns out, no matter how good or bad you are at your job, the president is going to make a couple of enemies as the leader of the free world.
This time, we check in with the History Channel as they give us the rundown on what exactly this means. From top to bottom, every last square inch of these methods of presidential transportation have to be considered and reconsidered before they’re eventually perfect. It’s definitely not a job for the faint of heart.
Below, we get to dive into the process that brings presidential transportation together and tells us what it’s all about. At the end of the day, tons of considerations need to be made here. However, when they all come together, this seems like a combination of puzzle pieces that make for one cohesive piece of art when it’s all done.