Dominick Cruz finds racing zen at Shift S3ctors California Airstrip Attack

While sometimes it is easy to feel isolated from other people in the real world when it comes to your passion for cars and their lack thereof, stories like this remind us that our passion is widespread and there are people in just about every space who enjoy the thrill that comes with just about anything that has a motor.
This time, we follow along with two-time UFC Champion, Dominic Cruz as he takes a little spin down the airstrip at Shift S3ctor and enjoys one of our favorite events that features some of the most brilliant forms of horsepower including his very own Nissan GT-R.
As of now, Cruz finds a Zen-like state while he is behind the wheel of the 900 hp car that he claims to be building piece by piece until it’s exactly what he envisions the finished product to be. He describes the feeling of putting his life on the line while traveling down the half-mile as something similar to fighting. We can really see how he draws the parallels as they are both quite liberating experiences that teach you a lot about who you really are and want to be in life.
Check out the video below as he hits the half-mile in style and tell us what you think of this UFC fighting, supercar driving badass as he gets behind the wheel and shares in the passion with which we are all so familiar.