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Drag Car Goes Air Born, Camera Man Dives For Safety!!!

Drag Car Goes Air Born, Camera Man Dives For Safety!!!

One of the most dangerous jobs in all of drag racing might be one that people often don’t think about. The job is that of the camera man who tries to get as close to the action as possible!

This time, the dude behind the lens gets a little bit too up close and personal with the action as one of the racers hops up over the wall and nearly takes him out at the knees during an epic crash!

Check out the video below as he hangs tight for just long enough to get the shot that we see below. A few feet to the driver’s right and this could have very well been the last video he ever shot! From what we understand, the driver was pretty banged up but will live to race another day.

Wow, these spectators nearly lost their marbles when this rally car came inches from their faces!

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