Drag Racing Sabotage – Dimes in the Throttle Body Kills a Motor

We’ve always wondered why everyone can’t just get along. Sure, drag racing comes with its fair share of smack talk, but at the end of the day, it’s fun and games. Nobody wants to see anyone else get hurt or break their pride and joy.
This time, however, the folks behind this one took the competition past a respectful rivalry and escalated it to the next level entirely.
Instead of building something to go faster or appreciating this car, someone decided to toss a handful of dimes in the Boss Hoss Racing drag machine’s throttle body, effectively lodging them into the engine and probably causing some catastrophic damage.
Seriously, guys, the racing community is supposed to be immune from all of this outside nastiness. Hopefully this wasn’t the work of another racer because that would be a huge disappointment.
Check out the video below to see the car in question going down and be sure to reach out to the Speed Society Facebook page if you have any further information on this horrible act.