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Drive it Like Ya Stole It… LaFerrari Getting Beat On Just Like it Should Be!

With cars like the Ferrari LaFerrari that originally retailed for well over $1 million and is quickly climbing in value, you can see why some owners might want to park them on a shelf and let them sit there, free of any contaminants from driving, the weather, or anything of the like.

Such an investment might be a smart idea to protect, especially if your initial cash can be tripled, making you a couple of million dollars on the deal, however, some gearheads just can’t resist to take their cars out there and drive them like they were designed to be driven. It almost feels like an injustice to the car and the people behind it to do anything else.

This time, we check out a LaFerrari in action and the driver really is stretching the legs out on this thing, pushing the car to a comfortable extreme while blasting around town, doing burnouts, donuts, and just all out pounding on this thing. This display of power and beauty wrapped up in one is really a pleasure to witness!

Follow along with this wonderful display down in the video below that will make you wish that you were a part of the action. Be sure to chime in and tell us where you sit on such a beating with such a valuable car. I know that this is one video that will definitely split enthusiast opinions in half about how they’d treat this thing but I think that both sides really have an argument here!