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Driver Crashes Car Meet (Literally) and Destroys Multiple Cars! He Had to be Drunk.

First and foremost, when you hop behind the wheel of anything, no one is going to be impressed if you drive like an idiot. That might be a blunt and to the point statement but it’s very true. No matter how cool you might think that you look by laying into the throttle in a crowded parking lot, it’s never going to be something that makes people look at you and think highly of you. In this video, we check out a situation like that and this one shows exactly why you shouldn’t act out in such ways. It’s not clear if this motorist was drunk or simply lacking brain cells but the result was all the same.

We watch as this guy got behind the wheel of his Chevrolet Silverado and went for a spin when things quickly escalated out of control to a point where not even the guy behind the wheel knew what was happening. We had watch this one multiple times to get a grasp on the situation and it appears as if this is nothing more than someone who wanted to drive a little bit recklessly and ended up completely ruining everyone’s night around him and potentially his own life. This dude had to cause thousands upon thousands of dollars in damage before he simply up and left.

Check out the video below that shows off what this car meet turned into when someone apparently didn’t really care that much about anybody around them rolled up on the scene, took out a group of cars by plowing straight into them, and continued on driving while one of his wheels was missing. I’m not sure about how you spend your Friday nights but I most certainly can say that nothing like this has ever come into consideration when I’ve been making my plans.
