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Driving a 400HP Can Am Maverick X3 in the Dunes!

If you want to talk about having fun off of the beaten path, there are a lot of toys that you can choose from. They definitely range in expense and can get more or less complicated depending on all sorts of different factors that you might want to add on to them. It’s truly a fun area to dive into as many of these machines will have your adrenaline pumping hard. There’s just something about having all of this open space to roam in and a machine that’s fit to make the most of it that really can get you going in the morning. If you want to take this concept to heart, tell us how something that’s as light as a feather and boasting more power than most production cars sounds to you.

It almost seems as if what we’re looking at here is kind of an overpowered off-road oriented go-kart that’s built for adults, except this one isn’t just your run-of-the-mill machine. Instead, it has a suspension that’s designed to handle just about anything that you throw at it and should you find yourself in a bad situation, I don’t think that one of these rough-and-tumble machines would do too much damage to you if were behind the wheel if it rolled over should a worst case situation come to life.

In addition, the Can Am Maverick X3 is hooked up with a “Stage 7” package from Evolution Powersports that promises 400 horsepower that’s more than enough to push this thing to the limit for a great time. With all of that open desert, there’s no telling what kind of fun you could have with this thing. We know that the driver pictured here is having a blast behind the wheel because honestly, we’re having a blast just watching him lay into it!