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Driving in the Carpool Lane Has Never Been So Dangerous… Near Head on Collision!

We’re going to assume there was some day drinking going on in Chino Hills California yesterday, or perhaps an elderly driver became disoriented and ended up on the wrong side of California State Route 71. Whatever the reason, the potentially deadly situation was caught on dashcam by a local driver, who immediately sent the footage to NBC LA.

We hear about situations like this all too often, with many of them ending in tragic head-on collisions. I actually encountered a wrong-way driver on Interstate 65 in Tennessee a few years ago while heading home from a race at Beech Bend Raceway in Bowling Green, KY. Luckily I was on a nice, wide open stretch of interstate and saw him coming in time to take to the shoulder and give him plenty of room, but he seemed oblivious to the fact that he was putting countless lives in danger. I never heard about any collisions, so hopefully he figured out what he was doing and got himself back on the right side of the road.

As was the case with the driver I encountered, the driver in the video below is moving at a pretty high rate of speed and seems oblivious to the danger his putting himself and countless others in with his wrong-way driving. Thankfully it seems this situation also ended without incident, as there were no reports of head-on collisions in the area yesterday. We can come up with countless possibilities for what caused this driver to take to the wrong side of the highway, but the reason doesn’t really matter as long as nobody was injured or killed. If the driver was under the influence or is mentally ill, we hope he or she gets the help they need so something like this doesn’t happen again. If this was just a case of a confused older driver, we have to hope he or she never makes this mistake again for the sake of everybody in the Chino Hills area.
