Drone Captures Mailman Continuing to Deliver Mail to Piles of Ash From Santa Rosa Wildfire

Every once in a while, we, as people, need to come together as one to make the lives of our fellow human beings just a little bit easier. It really seems like, across America recently, we have been relentlessly pelted with all kinds of natural disasters that just have not let up. The most recent of these disasters have come in the form of the Santa Rosa Wildfire that has quickly spread its way through the homes and businesses of many, completely plowing down just about anything and everything that has gotten in its way, turning the strongest buildings into nothing but a pile of embers.
Reports state that as many as 1800 homes have been destroyed in the process of the fire spreading and claiming entire neighborhoods at a time, really leveling the area in a toll that has reported as many as 1800 homes destroyed. Thankfully, a mandatory evacuation was put in place so that folks could get out of the way and get their possessions out with them but they were still left with the heavy toll of the fire sweeping through and leaving many homeless, at least for the time being. However, as one small reminder that everything will be alright, we see the mailman continuing to deliver mail which reminds us that things will continue on, the world will keep spinning, and with a bit of strength, these people will pull through to better days.
Down below, you can see this unique shot as a drone hovers over just part of the affected area as the mailman continues on his daily duty, traveling from lot to lot, delivering mail in a somewhat obscure yet oddly comforting scene. It might seem like an overwhelming situation now, but I know that, as humanity, we will all come together and be able to overcome this to in order to get to a brighter day that we’re sure is just down the road.