Dropping Off Snoop Dogg’s Third Gen Camaro on Spokes

With a name like Snoop Dogg, you could probably buy just about any car that you want. However, as it turns out, Snoop isn’t just another celebrity buyer. Don’t get us wrong, there’s nothing wrong with going out and slapping down six figures on the latest luxury car. However, Snoop seems to have a more nuanced taste in automobiles.
With this, we find it a little bit more interesting and fun to take a tour of some of his cars. This time, we get to check out one of the latest added to his collection and it’s really something that most might not expect. Instead of a Rolls-Royce or another Bentley, Snoop decided to add none other than a third-generation Chevrolet Camaro to the fold.
This wouldn’t be just any Camaro, though. Instead, it would fall into the hands of a YouTuber by the name of aDaywithCALIBOY to make the car something special. Our host here actually has a pretty interesting job. The responsibility that falls into his hands is finding cars like these and getting them quickly modified to turn them over to his celebrity clientele.
When he came in possession of this incredibly clean Camaro, it needed a couple of quick modifications like wheels, tint, and a sound system. However, the challenge would be to get all of this done within the span of just two days. Trust us when we say that it’s definitely a lot easier said than done.
When the job was done, he’s finally able to turn over the keys to Snoop to see exactly what he thinks of the car. In addition to the modifications done to this one, the car itself seems to be a well-preserved time capsule of sorts. We think that Snoop is going to be more than happy with the latest acquisition to his car collection.