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Ford Truck Takes Out Light Poles As He Drives Down The Center Divider!

Drunk drivers do stupid stuff. Driving under the influence is obviously irresponsible and terribly dangerous to yourself and the other motorists on the road, and there is no making light of the potentially devastating effects a drunk driver can have on a family or community, and we are certainly not making any attempt to do so now.

Only when we knew for sure that nobody was injured by this drunk driver’s stupidity did we agree to share this video, and even then I’m making an extra effort to drive home the dangers of driving while intoxicated. However, in this situation, we know that there were no injuries and only minor damage was inflicted upon the cars of the innocent motorists who just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time.

There is no denying that seeing this big Ford pickup walk itself up the center divider and proceed to ride there for several hundred feet is comical, for sure. We won’t deny that, especially when the light poles that adorn the center wall start to fall due to the truck striking them as it cruises atop the barriers. It is legitimately amazing that none of the motorists on either side of the wall were hit by the tumbling poles. One of those massive poles landing on top of a car could have certainly spelled disaster for the occupants and this guy could have easily been facing charges of manslaughter instead of just a DUI and the accompanying charges associated with his destructive little jaunt.

Hopefully this driver learns his lesson and doesn’t climb back behind the wheel in a drunken state anymore. With Uber and Lyft available in more and more cities, plus cabs and the old standby “Phone a Friend”, there is no reason at all to drive while intoxicated, regardless of bad you think you’re impaired. If you’ve had one drink, that’s one too many to drive, so be smart and safe and find another ride or even find somewhere else to sleep if it comes down to that or diving drunk.