Dude Continually Ruins Car Shows Trying to Make Spectacle of Himself

When you get down to the brass tax, 2018 has truly been a strange year. With all sorts of different things flipping on their axis, you really never know what’s going to come next. When it comes to entertainment, it really seems like an era where people are willing to go above and beyond to the extreme, all in the name of doing something to make a spectacle out of themselves, even if it means a situation that would traditionally maybe be just a little bit embarrassing. However, if this means being able to get that perfect shot or being something that could help to get your name out there, you really never know what some people will be willing to do.
It’s definitely important, in most cases, that you don’t judge a book by its cover because you really never know the true story behind such situations. You could be watching genius unfold right in front of you sometimes and just because something is different doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bad. However, in this one, from where we’re standing, it really would appear as if that’s the exact case as this individual decides to take it upon himself to run around the car show, screaming and putting fake tickets on peoples’ cars. As effspot, the person behind the camera here points out, this has become a regular thing and is something that can be expected from this area. The way that those who claim to have seen the guy before put it, they generally say he’s someone just trying to make it with a sort of unconventional way… but it’s starting to tick the local car guys off a bit. I guess that, when you look at it critically, he’s kinda getting exactly what he wants.
The video down below will take you to the scene of a car meet where things get a little bit wild and really put you in a position where you might not know what to think or expect. After surfing through this clip for yourself, be sure to tell us if you can make heads or tails of what exactly is going on here because after watching this one several times, we really can’t seem to be able to grasp a solid hold on what or why these things are happening.