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Dude Perfect Put To Test In High Speed Sports Battle

When it comes to those who go by “Dude Perfect,” it seems like they’re always trying to come up with stunts that top their last display. As they have taken viral fame on the internet with each video seemingly better than the last, we have to admit that they seem to have been doing a good job of standing out in the landscape of countless people who are trying to go viral just like them. With each and every video seems to come a new challenge that really grabs your attention as they use all sorts of different types of tools and obstacles in order to create something that puts the competitors in a situation that will challenge them in a unique way.

This time, it seems like the common thread throughout these challenges is all about speed. With a whole variety of different challenges at hand here, each one seems to get a little bit faster than the last as the tree take it upon themselves to step it up and try to take home gold. It all starts with an RC distance jump that was enough to catch our attention alone but it’s only the first of three different challenges. As the video continues, you’ll also be able to witness some high-speed bowling that has competitors throwing the ball out of the window of a moving car and a challenge that has them driving a Jeep Wrangler into an inflatable ball to see who can get the closest to a pin.

If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be able to follow the fun as all three of these challenges really come to life. While there’s a lot of fun and games here, the competitive nature that these guys all bring to the table will have you on the edge of your seat, waiting to see who will be able to outdo the next guy and take home victory. After seeing something like this, it almost feels like something that would compel you to try for yourself!