Dumbest Vehicle Ever Made – Introducing Stupid Truck

Here in America, we’re plagued with the stereotype of liking everything oversized. From our food to our big screen televisions to our rides and everything in between.
This time, Rob Ferretti tells us all about what he thinks to be the dumbest vehicle ever made, well the second dumbest to be more precise. Believe it or not, this thing is even bigger than the whole oversized American stereotype!
His bone to pick comes with the Ford F650, the pickup truck that does just about everything outside of functioning as an actual pickup truck.
Check out the video below that shows off Rob’s gripes with the truck from the ride quality to the useless bed and the even more useless towing system.
Sometimes, a vision is good, but the result just doesn’t pan out. If we were to summarize all of Rob’s thoughts here, we think that sentiment would hit the nail right on the head.