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Duramax Silverado 3rd Gear Launch Blows The Tires Off

Love them or hate them, diesel trucks have made a lot of progress in recent years, bursting onto the scene with all kinds of modifications that can make these things go from hauler to high performance machine all with a couple of quick and easy turns of the wrench.

This time, we check out a Chevrolet Silverado and the modifications aren’t exactly stated but this truck really has some giddyup behind it as we can see when the driver pops it in third and lays into the throttle, laying some dark black marks down on the pavement with ease and smoking those tires like it’s nothing.

Check out the video below as the truck rolls up and after spooling that turbo, it’s gone in a second, leaving behind an impressive show as it rolls on and fades from the camera shot. What do you think of how diesel trucks are performing these days with just basic modification? Some of these things really roll!
