Dustin’s Underground Racing TT Gallardo WINS WannaGoFast GA event

Check out this Underground Racing Lamborghini Superleggera clocking in at 219mph in the half mile not once, but TWICE.
There’s a reason that you don’t want to mess with a twin turbo UGR Lamborghini and this video captures that phenomenon. As usual, we see one of their cars take the cake yet again at another half mile event, this time the WannaGoFast event in Georgia.
From UGR “Dustin’s Underground Racing TT Superleggera set the event record at 218 mph, and then backed it up with 2 passes over 219 mph. Dustin’s car is 100% a street car. It’s also using the factory E-gear electronics. Keep in mind that the elevation was near 3,000 feet and it was hot with around 90% humidity.
These cars are going to fly closer to sea level with better weather. We were glad to see Dustin get this win given that it was near his home town of Atlanta, GA. Expect more videos of Dustin’s TT Lamborghini at the Texas Invitational next weekend. The Audi R8 never got a full pass, testing some new stuff, more coming soon from that beast;) Special thanks to Dustin and Marty for bringing their cars out.”