Easy Car Dent Repair, Just use Boiling Water!

Easy Car Dent Repair, Just use Boiling Water!
We have seen some quirky ways to fix dings and dents in your car, all in the name of saving yourself a couple of bucks using these do-it-yourself methods.
This time, we catch up with what might just be the simplest and most accessible of them all as you don’t even need any tools to work that dent out of your bumper like a professional would.
According to this video, all that you need to do is simply pour some boiling hot water on your car and then flex the soft plastic outward from the inside of the bumper, popping the dent back out again and making the car look like new.
Check out the method in the video below and tell us what you think. We’re not sure that we would try this out on cars whose appearance you hold to a high standard, but if you think it’s worth a shot that might save you some cash!