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Easy Fence Post Remover With a High-Lift Jack

Sometimes, when it appears like you might need a special tool or lots of manpower to get the job done, there are creative ways around all of the extras and if you put your mind to it, you might just save yourself some time and money.

Now, the job of removing fence posts might seem like a tall task that requires all of the aforementioned but with a little bit of ingenuity, this lady is able to take on the task all by herself and makes it look easy.

With a separate board to grab the post and a little bit of leverage and the help of a high lift jack, with just a couple of pumps, the jack does all of the work and the fence post, which was once firmly cemented in the ground is now free to move.

Check out the demonstration below that shows off how creativity pays off. What are you think of this DIY method of fence post removal? Can you think of another way to do it?
