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Electrical Issue Causes Corvette Door Handles to Fail, One Dead as Result

When it’s working, technology can be a great thing. With many great minds working together to make for a brighter tomorrow with things created by mankind, if the bright elements come together right, these things can be incredibly helpful or make something in some way better than it was before. However, that isn’t to say that advancement comes without trouble because, as we have definitely seen over the years, technology isn’t always the greatest thing ever even when it seems like you can do nothing but good.

One piece of technology that didn’t really provide much more benefit than a standard mechanism but really made for a cool feature with the sixth generation of Chevrolet Corvette and newer, was the electronic door openers that, instead of using a handle, would instead make use of a button to pop the door on demand. On the surface, it seems like a pretty harmless invention but when you dig down deeper to exactly what happens when the car loses power and the battery malfunctions or runs out of juice, it has really proven to be a struggle for people in multiple reported cases.

The story below tells a dark tale of a man who managed to get trapped inside his Corvette when the battery terminal came loose. James Rogers wouldn’t make it out of the car that day and would eventually die from the heat. We have to issue our condolences to all who were affected by the situation.

In lieu of using the button to unlock the car, the Corvette can also be opened through a handle that’s located right next to the seat. It was a measure that this man didn’t know about which would eventually lead to his death and he’s not alone in lacking that piece of information. While the situation seems all bad, perhaps, making stories like this one well-known to the public can help others learn, urging them to be aware of this situation and how similar situations of the same effect could happen to them, calling for them to arm themselves with knowledge so that they don’t get tied up in such a tragic ordeal.