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Epic Throwback Takes us Through Homes and Cars of the Guys of “Jackass”

Sometimes, we find ourselves dumbfounded at how quickly things can change over the years. One day, we’re deeply immersed in everything that’s going on in the world. The next day, we realize that the moment has slipped into the past. When we look back on it, it might seem like it was just yesterday. However, an entire decade could’ve slid by in the blink of an eye. It’s thinking about things like this that really make us appreciate the moment that we’re living in even more.

Try to wrap your mind around this one. The original Jackass movie came out in 2002. That was 18 whole years ago. Personally, I remember seeing the concept come out and remembering how it was something fresh and new. Sure, it might not have stuck for a lot of people. However, it was hard to argue that something like this had been done before.

Through the movie and other ventures, its stars had quickly risen. Names that were once known by a niche following had managed to become household names. Among these names, we find people like Steve-O, Bam Margera, and Johnny Knoxville. Each has since had its very own roller coaster ride of a life. However, this was where it all really seemed to take off.

By following along with the video below, we get to dig into the MTV Vault. This one takes us through an episode of Cribs that aired all of those years ago. In addition to seeing the digs of the previously mentioned names, we also get to join in with Chris Pontius and the late Ryan Dunn.

Clicking play on this one is really like taking a walk through time and down memory lane. Remembering watching these guys on television really takes us back to what life was like back then for millions.