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Experiment – What Will Happen If You Connect a Huge 1000mfd Capacitor To a Ceiling Fan?

Because of the internet, a lot of wonky experiments managed to come to the forefront of our attention. Whether the majority of them are safe or not is up for discussion but the fact of the matter is that they’re put out there for all of us to see. This time, the experiment doesn’t make much sense but it’s rather simple and really puts you on edge as you sit and wait to watch what happens. All of the action surrounds nothing more than the simple setup of the ceiling fan that is hooked up to a capacitor to see what the result might be. Curiosity really made this experiment ignite, quite literally, as the results would eventually show.

You see, the duty of a capacitor is to store energy and amplify that energy before sending it on through to whatever item is on the other end of the circuit. In this situation, the victim was the ceiling fan! We watch as it really began to spin, faster and faster until it was overloaded with electricity and eventually caught on fire! I’m not sure what the purpose of the experiment was here or if he plans on using that fan again, but the result is certainly something that is interesting to watch as it all goes down in a blaze of glory. When it comes right down to it, it doesn’t really look like that poor ceiling fan really stood a chance during this demonstration.

Follow along and the video down below that gives you the inside scoop on exactly what this experiment is all about and how it ended un a way that could’ve gotten dangerous! I wouldn’t necessarily recommend trying this one at home for yourself, but watching it from the side of the screen certainly is a joy to see as somebody else destroys their stuff. After checking this one out for yourself, be sure to tell us what you think of this experiment and what other factors you could throw into the mix to make something like this even more interesting.