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Extreme Wood Cutting Machine – Firewood Processing Machine in Action

There are some pretty complex and powerful purpose built machines out there, but when we ran into this extreme wood cutting machine, we definitely had to drop what we were doing and take a second look because this thing is downright insane in every way imaginable!

Not only does the machine pick up massive tree trunks to move them, but it also takes the liberty of stripping them down to their bare bones and splitting them up so that they will be useful as firewood or become a size that is more manageable to create another end product, all in one fell swoop that is incredible to lay your eyes on.

If you think about how many man-hours this would take if someone was out there with an axe and nothing but some elbow grease, it’s incredible to think about just how powerful this machine is as it appears to do all of the above, without even breaking a sweat. This thing is out there and splitting massive hunks of wood into tiny little usable slices, all within minutes.

Check out the video below that showcases the brute of a mechanical monster in action, doing what it does best and turning solid wood into bits and pieces. Be sure to check out the machine and tell us what you think of this monster as it completely manhandles weight that we would’ve never thought possible.
