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Extremely Low Altitude Flight of SU-37 Jet and Crash in Russia!

In today’s news, we bring you an incredibly terrifying story as a low altitude flight went incredibly wrong. When this SU-37 fighter jet was whipping around in the skies, flying at an incredibly low altitude, the pilot simply fell asleep behind the controls and went down hard, failing to eject from his cockpit but also somehow managing not to sustain any injuries in the incident.

Sources were able to catch up with the man behind the sticks and ask him exactly how that happened. This is how he responded…

When asked the simple question of how exactly you fall asleep while being slapped in the face of all those G-forces, the seasoned pilot of 15 years replied that “Sometimes, you just get bored of it. I’ve mastered these flights to such an extent that even the most extreme maneuvers put me right to sleep. I might have to pick up another hobby. I hear the Street Outlaws are looking for competition.”

The video below showcases the low-flying antics that caused this pilot to lose consciousness and crash into the ground. When you see how it all concludes, you might just notice that this is really some choice editing and what you’re watching is nothing more than a remote control fighter jet. We hope you enjoyed this little goof and we here at Speed Society would like to wish you all a happy and safe Memorial Day!