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F-18 Fighter Jet Taking Off From The Highway

Normally, when you have any type of aviation machine lifting off, there’s a designated space that you head to in order to get into the air but this time, we check out a situation where the norm is completely tossed out of the window and we get to check out something rather awesome!

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Instead of taking off from a military base or even an aircraft carrier, this Finnish F-18 fighter jet takes off from the middle of a highway in a practice exercise that might just make you scratch your head just a little bit when you see exactly what is going on.

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Check out the video below that shows off the high-intensity moment when this jet launches itself from the highway and catapults itself into the air where it’s free to maneuver about, unleashed from the tight confines where it was left to launch at out in the roadways. What do you think of this obscure exercise? It surely would be a good test of getting one of these jets out of a tight spot.